
Professional Sex Counseling and Therapy Services in California

Explore our comprehensive range of sex counseling and therapy services in California designed to provide support, healing, and enhanced interpersonal relationships regardless of your personal challenges or background. At the Intimacy, Sexuality & Gender Center of California (ISGC), we offer specialized services to meet various needs, focusing on personal dignity and respect for individual experiences.

AASECT Certified Diplomate of Sex Therapy

Stephen Braveman, our AASECT Certified Diplomate of Sex Therapy, provides individual, couples, and group psychotherapy and sex therapy. AASECT Certified Sex Therapists are licensed mental health professionals with specialized training in assessing, diagnosing, and treating sexual disorders, sex dysfunctions, sexual interpersonal issues, gender and transgender conditions, and other mental health and interpersonal problems. At ISGC, Stephen’s nationally recognized expertise includes treatment for sexual abuse survivors, transgender conditions, LGBT issues, alternative lifestyles, sexual compulsivity, sacred intimacy/Tantra, advocacy, and supervision.


We understand that seeking help for intimate and personal issues requires courage and trust. Our sex counseling and therapy services in California offer a compassionate and professional environment where growth, healing, and empowerment are fostered. Get in touch with us today for more details.

Sexual Abuse Support

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Since 1994, our group for male survivors of sexual abuse has been a cornerstone of our sex counseling and therapy services in California. Facilitated by Stephen Braveman, LMFT, DST, this healing group offers a safe, private, and nurturing environment for men to move beyond the pain of childhood sexual abuse. Participants work through isolation, fear, confusion, depression, low self-esteem, and anger with others who have had similar experiences. Join the hundreds of men who have empowered themselves through our program. This unique group meets weekly on Monday nights for two hours.

Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Designed specifically for female and female-identified individuals who have been sexually or emotionally abused, this therapy group offers a safe, private, and nurturing environment to work through isolation, fear, confusion, depression, low self-esteem, and anger. Facilitated by Stephen L. Braveman, LMFT, DST, and Patient Advocate Wanda Braveman, this group helps participants reclaim their lives. Our powerful female group meets weekly on Tuesday nights for two hours.

Living with a Survivor

This couple’s group is for survivors of sexual abuse or rape and their loving partners. Couples find a safe, nurturing place to examine the unique challenges they face due to sexual abuse survivor issues. Partners learn how to care for themselves while supporting their partner’s growth. Together, couples find ways to leave painful memories behind and embrace a healthy, loving, and romantic relationship. Stephen L. Braveman and Wanda M. Braveman lead this group.


Transgender Healthcare and Advocacy

We have a long and success history of pioneering Transgender Healthcare and Advocacy. Stephen Braveman was among one the first mental health providers in the United States to offer supportive psychotherapy and advocacy to a wide of transgendered individuals, their partners and their families. He co-authored the Human Rights Campaign’s “Coming Out Trans” brochure with Dr. Jamison Green, was part of a small team of experts who introduced AASECT and other professional associations to transgender issues and treatment, and created and ran the very successful Monterey Transgender Support Group for over 25 years!

All Transgender Healthcare at the Intimacy, Sexuality & Gender Center of California meet WPATH’S International Standards of Care. Required letters for Hormone Therapy (HT) and Gender Affirmation Surgeries (GAS) are available and accepted by all medical providers and healthcare insurance companies.

Sacred Intimacy Tantra

We offer unique forms of Tantra designed for various groups based on energy flow. Our specialized Tantra workshops include:

  • Sacred Sexuality/Tantra for Couples
  • Sacred Sexuality/Tantra for Trans Couples
  • Sacred Sexuality/Tantra for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
  • Sacred Sexuality/Tantra for Singles
  • Sacred Sexuality/Tantra for Professionals

Our one- or two-day workshops focus on uniting the sensual, sexual, and sacred energy in a bonding, healing experience. Participants learn techniques like partnered breath and eye gazing while maintaining a fully clothed, safe, and respectful environment.

Stephen and Wanda Braveman touchingStephen and Wanda Braveman with portrait in background

Alternative Lifestyle Support

Stephen Braveman is a KAP (KINK Aware Professional). Our services are LGBTQ+, KINK, and POLY friendly. For more details, contact our team directly.

Professional Supervision

Professional Supervision

AASECT Certified Sex Therapy Supervisor

Stephen Braveman is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapy Supervisor, providing supervision to licensed mental health providers seeking certification as AASECT Certified Sex Therapists. AASECT sets the standards for sexuality education, advocacy, and networking opportunities for professionals in the field.

HIPAA Compliant Video Chat Therapy

We offer HIPAA-compliant video chat therapy sessions to ensure privacy and convenience for our clients.

Patient Advocacy specialist

Patient Advocacy

Our patient advocates support patients through their therapeutic journey. This includes helping patients access mental health care, scheduling appointments, providing transportation, explaining appointment details, and assisting with follow-up care. Patient advocates also teach independent living skills and lead therapy groups. Wanda Braveman, our Patient Advocate, facilitates social groups and activities relevant to our major communities and provides direct outreach to community resources.